Psalm 27.1
from You Version

The LORD My Light


The LORD My Light, I exalt You. In the very beginning, You spoke light into existence. Your light powers all life processes. Your light reveals deep and hidden things. Even in the pitch dark, You see everything clearly. 

Thank You for carrying me through my darkest days and being my guiding light. Thank You for breaking the power of Satan, rescuing me from the dominion of darkness and transferring me to Your kingdom, so I may walk in the light. 

Forgive me for allowing myself to participate in the unfruitful or even shameful deeds of darkness. 

Illuminate my path as I follow You. Make me Your light-bearer, enable me to shine Your divine light, and empower me to reveal Christ in a Christ-denying world. 

Because You are the LORD My Light, I declare I will proclaim the excellencies of You who have called me out of darkness into Your marvelous light. 



  • In Hebrew, the word for light is “ohr,” and it carries a deeper meaning beyond mere “illumination.” It encompasses the concept of “bringing order to something chaotic.” Therefore, when God proclaimed, “let there be light,” He intended not only to bring illumination, but also to bring order to the shapeless world. 
  • The term “Adonai Ori” originates from Psalm 27, a composition by David. In this psalm, David showcased unwavering faith by acknowledging God as his light and salvation amidst a time of turmoil. Additionally, David’s men referred to him as “the light of Israel” in 2 Samuel 21:17. 




Open a fresh page in your journal, and let the words flow toward The LORD Your Light. Embrace the presence of the Holy Spirit as He journeys through the depths of your heart, leading your hand across the page. Capture the essence of your profound conversation with Him. 

[Part 1] 

Dear Father / the LORD My Light, …

[Part 2] 

Dear child / (your name), …




He is the Lord Your Light. How does this truth impact the way you live? In your journal, write a personal declaration that resonates with you and your current situation. 

Because You are The LORD My Light, I declare I can / I will / I am…

Utter it aloud, directing your words to Him and yourself. Feel the surge of faith building within you as you echo it repeatedly, infusing each repetition with resolute assurance. Remember, the tongue holds the authority to shape life or bring about its end, and those who nurture it shall savor its harvest (Proverbs 18:21). Your words carry immense power, and through your declaration, they shall find their place and shape your reality. 



You’ve crossed the finish line! Day 30 marks the grand finale of your remarkable adventure with HE. I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our Father for leading you to this point and for the awe-inspiring work He has done throughout these 30 days. It has been an absolute joy to accompany you on this adventure! 

On this final day, my prayer is that nothing can obscure or dampen the brilliance of the light shining through you. This light encompasses the entire spectrum of God’s divine attributes.

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