Matthew 25:24-25

2 Timothy 1:7

Proverbs 26:13

Romans 14:12

Luke 16:10

Day 3: A Cautionary Tale from the Third Servant

from You Version

Today, let’s spend a few moments looking at the third servant. 

It’s easy to criticize the third servant for his inaction, but let’s look deeper into the underlying cause: fear. 

While caution can serve as a guide, it can also become a hindrance that holds us back from fulfilling our God-given potential. The third servant allowed fear to paralyze him, an obstacle we must all be cautious to avoid. 

The tragedy here isn’t just a buried talent; it’s a buried opportunity for positive influence and growth. The biggest risk is often not taking any risk at all, especially when entrusted with something as invaluable as a talent. 

Instead of taking responsibility, the third servant chose to blame his master for his own shortcomings. Accountability isn’t just for the times we succeed; it’s also for the moments we falter. Acknowledging our fears and limitations is a key part of authentic personal growth. 

The parable makes it clear: what you cultivate is what you harvest. 

The first two servants experienced rewards and greater responsibilities because they were faithful with what they were given. The third servant faced loss—not just of the talent but, more importantly, the loss of trust and opportunity. 

As we wrap up this plan on the Parable of the Talents, let’s not merely understand this story intellectually. 

Let’s internalize and live it out. Let’s be the people who multiply, expand, and grow what we have been entrusted with.

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