From You Version

The LORD Who Heals You

Ex 15.26


The LORD Who Heals Me, I praise You for the power and authority to create, destroy, restore, and resurrect lives, all in Your mighty hand. 

Thank You that I am alive and well. Thank You for the miracles of healing in biblical times and nowadays. They reveal not only Your supernatural power, but also Your love and mercy. 

Forgive me for neglecting to stay healthy and fit. Forgive me when I doubt Your ability or willingness to heal me or my loved ones. 

Lord, make me an excellent steward of my well-being. Grant me wisdom and determination to always maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle and a joyful heart. Heal me of my physical, spiritual, and emotional sickness. Restore me to Your perfect design. 

Because You are The LORD Who Heals Me, I declare that I am healed and made whole. 



  • Adonai (YHWH, Yahweh, or Roph’ekha refers to the same title of God which means “The LORD Who Heals You” in Hebrew. 
  • The Hebrew word “rophe” or “rapha” carries various meanings such as “to restore,” “to heal,” “to cure,” “to make whole,” “to make healthful,” “to repair,” or “to properly mend by stitching.” 
  • In the account of the Israelites’ journey through the wilderness, they faced a critical situation where they desperately needed water after three days. They discovered a river, but the water was too bitter to drink. In response to their need, God instructed Moses to throw a piece of wood into the water, miraculously turning it into drinkable water. It was at this moment that God revealed Himself as Adonai Rophe’ekha – the LORD Who Heals You. This event is recorded in Exodus 15:22-26. 




Today, we will address our words to the LORD Who Heals You. Take a moment to reflect on what you would like to share with Him or seek His guidance on. Let us open ourselves to the leading of the Holy Spirit as we embark on this journey. Document your experience in your journal, capturing the profound insights and revelations that may unfold. 

[Part 1] 

Dear Father, the LORD Who Heals me, …

[Part 2] 

Dear child (your name), …




He is the LORD Who Heals You. He can heal your body, mind, and soul. How do you integrate this truth into your everyday life? Craft your personal declaration that resonates with your current situation. 

Because You are the LORD Who Heals Me, I declare I can / I will / I am…

Recite your declaration out loud to Him and to yourself. Repeat it a few times to strengthen your faith. Your faith can stir His heart and give you access to the impossible. Declare it as if it’s already yours. “Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours” (Mark 11:24). 



Thank you for joining me on Day 28 of HE. As we close, I want to declare that you are healthy and strong, both physically and spiritually, in accordance with John’s prayer in 3 John 1:2.

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