From You Version

Salvation / Jesus

Matthew 1.21


Jesus, my Savior, I offer You my utmost praise, recognizing that salvation can be found in no one else but in Your mighty name. 

I am deeply grateful for Your redemptive plan, which encompasses Your sacrificial love, mercy, patience, and grace. Through it, You have set me free from sins and eternal punishment. 

Forgive me when I fail to appreciate the magnitude of Your salvation. Although it is freely given, it came at an immeasurable cost. You, Jesus, paid a price that no one else could bear. 

Holy Spirit, please remind me continually of the incredible privilege it is to be saved by Your grace. Open my eyes to the desperate need for Your salvation in the world, and ignite my heart with a desire to take action and share Your love with those who are lost. 

Because You are my Salvation, I declare I am saved by grace through faith. I am unconditionally loved. I am forgiven. I am truly free. 



  • Yeshua, in its Aramaic form, is derived from the Hebrew name Yehoshua (Joshua). It carries the meaning of “salvation,” “to save,” “to rescue,” and signifies “Yahweh (The LORD) is salvation.” 
  • The name Jesus can be traced back to the root of the name Yeshua. 
  • The transliteration process from Yeshua to Jesus occurred as follows:
    [Hebrew/Aramaic] Ye-sh-ua (Yay-shoo-ah)
    -> [Greek] Iesous (ee-ay-sous)
    -> [Latin] Ie-s-us (ee-ay-sous)
    -> [English] Je-s-us (gee-sus) 
  • In biblical Hebrew, a name held more significance than merely being a unique identifier. It reflected the individual’s calling, purpose, or destiny. 




Whether you are planning to pour out your heart in writing or simply jotting down your random thoughts to Him, I see His delight in you. He cherishes and values the moments you devote to being alone with Him. 

Today we are writing to Salvation/Jesus, your Savior. Take a moment to be still, and allow His voice to resonate within you as you pen down His response. Let us welcome the Holy Spirit, our divine guide, to lead you into a heartfelt conversation. 

[Part 1] 

Dear Jesus, my Salvation, my Savior …

[Part 2] 

Dear (your name), …




He is your salvation, and you are saved. How does this precious gift of salvation impact the way you live your life today? In your journal write down your own declaration: 

Because You are Salvation/Jesus, I declare I can / I will / I am…

Speak your declaration aloud, offering it to Him and allowing the resonance of these words to awaken your soul. Repeat them a few times, allowing their power to permeate your being. 



Day 5 of HE comes to a close. May you always grasp the true meaning of salvation, both for yourself and in the eyes of the divine. Let this awareness ignite a lifelong, loving devotion towards Him.

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