Servant’s Heart
from You Version
It is humbling to think what Christ did in order to save us. He graciously extended salvation to us while we were choosing to do our own thing and actively rebelling against Him. He lived a sinless life and died a criminal’s death to rescue us.
A right relationship with God is not something we can earn. If we were able to earn it, we would feel as though God owes us something. We would feel we are in control of our lives and therefore have no need for God. This pride-filled thought process has gotten people into trouble since the very dawn of time.
In spite of our pride, God offers us a free gift that only requires we accept our own inadequacy and acknowledge what Jesus did for us on the cross. By doing this, God offers to make us right with Him. God didn’t offer this gift only to save us from our future death—He also did this because He has a plan and a purpose for us while on this earth. God has a clear design for us that He planned long before we were born. You are His unique creation, and He didn’t create you just to breathe His air. He created you with talents and abilities you can use to serve Him and others.
Doing good works can’t earn our salvation. Salvation is only found through faith in Jesus Christ. However, when we come into a right relationship with Jesus, we are compelled to do good works out of our love for God and others. Our gratitude in action is the perfect response to God’s gift of salvation. How can you express your gratitude to God by serving others today?
As you engage with God’s word:
● What is God saying to you?
● What does it mean to you?
● What action step do you need to take?
After you reflect on these questions, bring everything to God in prayer.