The Names of God
By Dr. Tony Evans
Psalm 36.5
Lam. 2.22-23
We like to think we’re faithful people. We get to work on time (well, usually) and do our job with diligence. We make time for family and friends. We’re involved in our church and sign up for committees and volunteer opportunities. But no matter how hard we try to be faithful, we’re not perfect. Inevitably, we’re going to miss a meeting or skip a child’s soccer game or forget about that volunteer assignment.
Because we can’t always be faithful people, it’s reassuring to know that we serve a faithful God. His name El Emunah means “the faithful God,” and He can always be counted on to show up, roll up His sleeves and get to work in our lives. Always keeps His promises? Check. Always hears our prayers? Check. Always remains with us? Check.
Things happen in our lives that keep us from being totally faithful to others. Because we’re human, we’re tempted to make choices based on our own self-preservation, selfishness and greed. Quite simply, we can’t be perfect all the time. But when we don’t show up, God does. And He gently guides us back to the work He has especially for us to do—the work of being faithful and showing up for others. When we turn to His perfection in our times of imperfection, His faithfulness transforms us.
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